Tour of a School in Village & Rural life, Local Customs

India is known for its vibrant culture & customs. In india on every 100 kilometres you can find different tours regarding cultural knowledge & history. The Pushkar route brings a unique tour for those who tired with lot of information regarding hiatory & culture. In this tour you can get a chance to go close to rural life of villagers & know about their daily routines as well as you can Witness the enthusiasm of rural Indian youth by visiting a local school and get a deeper understanding of the education system. Main Highlights of our tour-
After visiting hustle & bustle life of big , touristic cities in india take a walk in small small alleys of rural India ,experiance a life of Village that is full with calmness and unlimited love.
Visit local house & enjoy tea in handmade local cup of artisans and real hospitality .Talk with them know their life closely .

Visit Local Farms & Small Alleys - There is a one Proverb that you will find the real life of India only in the streets of villages.Take a walk with us in small hidden alleys of rural India & see real Indian Culture. Locals farms -In between our tour we are also going to visit a local farm where you can see agriculture of sesonal fruits .

Tour of a school - This is the main highlight of our tour . We are going to visit a local school where you can explore the education system of rural India as well you can greet & meet small kids and share your ideas with kids as well as teachers .

Tour of small temples around Village - A small walk around the famous temples of local god of villagers and learn some interesting facts , witness the endless devotion of locals .

    10:00 AM


    4 Hours

  • PRICE -

    1500 Per person ( for groups make a contact)  

    Pay Now


  • Guide for explanation.
  • Masala Tea
  • Water Bottle


  • Food and drinks
  • Gratuities


  • A moderate amount of walking is involved. Please wear comfortable shoes.


  • Minimum 1 person is required to book this tour.
  • Maximum 20 people are required to book this tour.

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+91 9079384839

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